Languages: English, German
Content: The world's first book about chocolate bloom and the visual beauty of cocoa butter crystals. With 'behind the scenes' pictures of a professional Chocolatier, artist and designer Gerhard Petzl. Enjoy the beauty of nature!
Released: 2018
Pages: 44 (Hardcover Photobook)
Language: English
Content: Behind the scenes of an amazing art project of a royal feast baroque table, where a 5 m long chocolate table, with all items on it, made out of chocolate! Around 2500 single pieces are assembled then to a true masterpiece.
Released: 2018
Pages: 48 (Hardcover Photobook)
Languages: English, German
Content: A sculptural journey on different scientific areas, paired with chocolate art and chocolate sculptures. A bridge between food art and science. A source of inspiration to discover something new.
Released: 2020
Pages: 56 (Hardcover Photobook)
books available in the shop
16 x on TV (9 x Germany, 2 x Austria, UK, Poland, 2 x Australia, China)
250+ publications in magazines and Newspapers
Jaarbock Kunstenaars 2025
the ART insight - Contemporary art Online review (2024)
Circle of Arts - Spotlight magazine, Issue 37, Contemporary art (2024)
Abode 2 - Luxury Property Magazine (Vol 2-Issue 64), 2024
ART muse Express - The artistic Odyssey of Gerhard Petzl: A Journey from 3D to 2D (2024)
AATONAU 12 - Portrait (2023)
the ARTWORLD Post - Portrait (2023)
Las Laguna Art gallery, CA, USA, Exhibition "2023 - Figures or Faces"
Contemporary art curator - Art Review Gerhard Petzl (2023)
Mutual ART magazine (2023)
Influx gallery-Endless Exhibition, Notting Hill, London, UK (2023)
Book VOL 1: "A like artist" by Al-Tiba9 gallery, Barcelona Spain, 2022-23
"DRIFT" Holy art - group exhibition, Athens, Greece
MUSA International - WE CONTEMPORARY art magazine Portrait Gerhard Petzl
BOOMER gallery magazine
London magazine - Chelsea Life ART Portrait
Circle spotlight issue 29 Contemporary art magazine
David Michelangelo International prize winner, 2021
"Nothing really matters", Rossocinabro gallery, 2021
International contemporary art magazine, 2021
Spotlight art magazine Nr 23, Circle of Arts, 2021
Portrait - Rossocinabro gallery, Rome, Italy
"In times of change", Rossocinabro gallery, Rome, 2021
"Art edit" by House & Garden, 2020
Confectionery News - Portrait Gerhard Petzl and podcast about my newest book and trends, 2020
So good magazine, 2020
KoCa, 2020
So good magazine - Portrait Gerhard Petzl and introduction new book "Chocolate Crystals-the soul of chocolate", 2020
ETH Zurich - Presentation of the book: "Science meets chocolate art".
Panissimo Newspaper, Swiss Baker and Chocolatier Industry News
La Liberte newspaper, "For the love of chocolate", giant artwork by Gerhard Petzl
Loisirs - News about "The chocolate heart" by Gerhard Petzl.
National Library of Bern
Nestlé News
Was invited to talk about my chocolate art.
Dresdner Nachrichten
Sächsische Zeitung
Portrait in der HGZ, "Hotellerie-und Gastronomiezeitung "der Schweiz.
Al verde-magazine - Portrait chocolate artist Gerhard Petzl.
Nish magazine, Portrait Gerhard Petzl
Kleine Zeitung "Steirer des Tages"
Backszene Magazin
So good magazine
KOCA magazine, Chocolate crystals
Bild Zeitung
Sweets Global Network
Kronen Zeitung
Portrait about chocolate artist and the "making of" the chocolate room.
NWZ, New masterpiece
Focus magazine Italia featuring chocolate crystals
KOCA magazine
A custom made chocolate bust of moderator Kathy Weber.
Gerhard was a guest for a quiz show in Germany (Tell the truth).
Falstaff magazine "Picture of the month"
der Standard 1/2
der Standard 2/2
Was invited as a chocolate artist and to talk about one of my past projects "A whole room made out of chocolate".
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